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Learning to face life with a smile...and occasional hysterical laughter.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

His Word Is As Good As Gold (Or Silver)

David beseeches God for help in Psalm 12, asks for help from his lying, deceptive society. He says, "The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men" (Ps. 12:8). After watching some prime time television last night, my husband and I had a conversation about how bad TV has become. What is evil is being honored by the shows that are broadcast. It is not right. It seems that over time we just begin to accept it. We certainly need to ask God for help in this area. Verse 4 says that the wicked say, "'We will triumph with our tongues; we own our lips--who is our master?'" I'm taking these verses a bit out of context perhaps, but this verse reminds me of how perverted the interpretation of the freedom of speech has become. Grrrr. Just makes my blood boil.

David reminds us that "(God) will keep us safe and protect us from such people forever" (Ps. 12:7). And God Himself says, "'Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise...'" (Ps. 12:5a). I don't know about you, but when God says He's gettin' up, well, it just sounds ominous. It's like a parent's saying, "Don't make me come over there!" God's gettin' up, and when that happens, you can bet it ain't gonna be pretty.

Here's the kicker of the chapter for me. David says, "And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times" (Ps. 12:7). His words are as good as gold. They are perfect. They are to be trusted completely. Humans may make promises, and oftentimes they break them. But we can rely on God's word.


Anonymous said...

I notice my desensitization to the media the most when I watch old movies. You rarely see a person get shot--it is merely hinted at. Love scenes were risque if skin was shown! I certainly miss that!

Sunshine said...

That's true. And we wonder why romance in our society is gone.